Saturday 8 February 2014

Brand vs. Sachs or is it really, Brand vs. Daily Mail?

It was 5 years ago now that the creative and hilarious prank call to Andrew Sachs was made by comedians, Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross. Call me biased (I am totally in love with Russell Brand) but it was rather brilliant.

I remember going to Russell's live show at the Royal Albert Hall in London just after the prank had happened. He had been receiving hate mail from brainless Manuel fans, which were just so funny. One I remember quite clearly, was a man who exclaimed he supported Sachs because he had fought in the Spanish Civil war, poor lad obviously didn't understand that Fawlty Towers wasn't a documentary. At the same show, I remember Russell had creatively made up (much like the spontaneity in the prank call) a song about the news "I'M IN THE NEWS, I'M IN THE NEWS, TONIGHT AGAIN" to which he'd added a video montage of news reporters and the iconic Big Ben clock that shows before every 10 o'clock news.

Now I don't know whether the Daily Mail is running short on stories or whether Andrew Sachs has just stopped fighting in the Spanish Civil War but this morning whilst getting some petrol in a garage, I walked passed the Newspaper boxes and had to double take. I saw a very attractive smile surrounded by a mass of hair (Brand), I quickly went in and paid but looked again when I came out. After opening up one of the boxes with a trapped Russell inside, I noticed 'Andrew Sachs' in bold below the gorgeous picture. Now yes, I'd rather know much more about Russell than anything else in the news but when it comes to something that happened 8 years ago and something that's slating him, no thank you!
This was 5 years ago! Surely not front page news? They said sorry!!!

We all know that Brand has some 'disagreements' with the Daily Mail (in other words, the Daily Mail is ridiculously shit and Russell is right about pretty much everything) so it wasn't a shock to me when I realised there was only a lovely picture of Russell on the front and none of Jonathan (I do like Jonathan Ross too, but where's the fairness in that - some selection I believe).

I opened up quickly to the relevant pages, to see this: 
Now how can you expect a sex god such as Russell to turn a blind eye to a girl such as Georgina (who wears leather and corsets), you can't. The picture of her here although not in leather or corsets etc isn't exactly how you'd imagine your granddaughter. It made me laugh, Andrew Sachs cannot surely believe his granddaughter to be innocent when she dresses like below and is part of a rock band named the Satanic Sluts?

I cannot wait for Russell's Messiah tour show in March at the Cliffs Pavillion, near to where I live. Perhaps he'll mention it, and that will be funny.


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