Thursday 25 July 2013

My Prom

As my prom was just under a month ago I think it's time to blog about it.

Me and my friend Isaac, decided to go together because we're both singletons!

Isaac and I (above)
Pre-prom breakfast
As I'd been on a 'prom detox' two weeks before prom to make sure my skin was good and I looked the best I could my Mum treated me on the day of prom to a (vegetarian) full english breakfast in a local cafe.
2 slices of toast, mushrooms, beans, vegtetarian sausage, and I did have eggs but I was greedy
before I took the photo and they vanished into my gob! I also had a sparkling orange juice.

The Transport
I'd been thinking for months about how me and Isaac were going to get there. I detested the idea of a limousine or a hummer because they're just to mainstream and boring so the ideas tended to be whacky... Supermarket trolleys, Kids toy cars, Pogo sticks, Space hoppers.

I have such a passion for vintage things including vehicles and I've always wanted to own one. I couldn't think of any practical inexpensive transport ideas so I thought I'd try my luck and look up some vintage camper van hire prices and to no surprise I found absolutely nothing that was really worth the price.

My two friends who are a couple and were going together said they had no luck finding anything either. Me, Isaac and the two others looked together and we finally found a camper van hire which only cost £12.50 each which was an absolute bargain! Also last minute too!

The camper was so lovely and the driver too. It was a dark green colour with a cream interior and for such a low price it was definitely worth it!

My hair
There were so many issues with getting the look I wanted, many youtube tutorials were watched. Originally I was aiming for a vintage soft up do like below:

It wasn't working at all and didn't look right so I started to worry because it was only a matter of days before my prom! Then after racking my brain I came up with an idea to try a side plait which in the end looked in exactly the kind of vintage style I was originally hoping for!

My Head Garland
I'd always wanted to have some kind of flower garland so I looked around my local high street but nothing looked how I imagined it... My mum said that she made her bridesmaids head garlands for her wedding, very kindly my Mum made the garland. 

Making the garland made it so much better, that way I could choose the flowers, leaves and the colours!  I chose little white flowers and ivy leaves which I think looked really pretty and delicate.

Due to the embellishments on my dress all I chose to wear were rings from Primark on my middle finger and thumb. Remember less is more!

I'd completely forgotten to get a clutch to carry my phone, camera and the things I needed with me. So literally on the day half an hour before prom I ran into a charity shop to get one, luckily there was a gold clutch which only cost £1.00!!!

Make up
As there was gold tones in my dress, I thought it would be nice to go for a gold smokey eye and a red lip. 






As my dress had gold tones I thought I'd my nails gold. At the time I had a habit of biting my nails so my natural nails weren't long enough to look nice when painted; I had acrylic nails put on with a glittery gold gel which you can see below! I had them done by a friend who's recently started out as a nail technician. 

My colour theme was gold, and after looking at every other high street shop I walked up into New Look and found some lovely flat shoes with some embellishments of flowers on them at the front. The shoe itself is a shimmery colour and the flowers are a mix of gold and bronze.

Sorry about the blurriness of the picture!

Pre-prom gathering
One of my friends very kindly hosted a pre-prom gathering for drinks, snacks and pictures. Me and Isaac along with our friends we were sharing the Camper Van with and some others went. The pictures turned out lovely and everyone looked so good.

My lovely prom gift from Isaac/Corsage
Whilst at the pre-prom gathering Isaac gave me a lovely corsage, following the tradition. It was two gorgeous real white roses, white ribbon and ivy on a pearl bracelet. It was such a coincidence that the corsage had ivy and it matched perfectly with the mother of pearl embellishments on my dress and the ivy on my head garland! Clever Isaac.


Most importantly, the dress!
It didn't actually take me too long to find my dress. I started looking in March in vintage boutiques and online; it got to the early days of April and I was shopping in a local town with my Mum and my Nan, we went into the vintage boutique there not thinking that they'd have the dress I'd want but just to be nosey. I found three dresses, unfortunately one was a size too big, the next didn't go with my hair colour (ginger) and the last was absolutely perfect! As my birthday was coming up on the 9th of April my Nan said she'd buy it for me as a early birthday present. It was a great day and I'm SO happy I got the dress that I did. 

My dress is handmade from the early 1950's. It has a shoulder cuff with a mother of pearl embellishment in the middle on the chest area. It is a quarter-length sleeve. It has a gold shimmer running throughout the colour of the dress and changes colour in different lights e.g. pale pink and gold. It's a straight down floaty skirt with three layers which finishes just above the ground.



When our Camper Van arrived at the prom there was a red carpet going to the door. When we got out of the Camper everyone was taking photos and it was really like being a celebrity haha!

 Inside prom was like a disco basically, one of the maths teachers was the DJ, there were balloons and disco lights which was pretty good for a secondary school prom!

Heres some photos:


 The After Party
It's only right after a school prom to get drunk with your whole year in a small hall in the middle of nowhere! Just, got to be done!

There was a DJ and quite a lot of alcohol!

I kept my prom hair in, wore a blue floral dress and my black Doc Marten boots! It was a great night, a few friends came back to mine after the party and hung out.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post! 

Thanks loves <3

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