Monday 23 December 2013

The Kooky Theatre Company

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been posting I completely forgot about my blog! Oops.

I went on holiday to Cornwall (as I do every summer) and whilst I was there, I went to see an open air theatre company who specialises in productions in the woods. The production was by far the best thing I've ever seen in my life, no exaggeration!!!

It was so inspiring that I've actually decided to start my own theatre company. I've gathered some of my friends (most of them are studying drama/music) to join me in starting it up. I'll be starting rehearsals in the new year, so exciting!

I've written my own script, characters (which I've casted for already!). I've thought of costume and prop ideas which I'll be making with my sewing machine.

I've been given some dates and places to perform for 2014 so hopefully, we'll be able to start performing

Once this starts up properly I'll be making a youtube and facebook account for the theatre company so, watch this space!!!

Bye all!

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