Tuesday 24 December 2013

Christmas cookie recipe

So as I it's Christmas tomorrow, I thought I'd share with you a recipe for cookies that I'm trying this year.

This recipe will take you 39 minutes in total
I managed to make 80 cookies but obviously it depends on your cutter as to how many you'll make.

Things you'll need:

  • Cookie cutter in which ever shape you desire
  • 480 grams of all purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 128 grams of unsalted butter (softened to room temperature)
  • 213 grams of sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • (optional) 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • (optional) 1/4 teaspoon of lemon extract
  • (optional) 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • To Decorate: (optional) icing sugar to dust
  • 2 bowls
  • spatula
  • teaspoon
  • whisk
  • greaseproof/pachment paper
  • baking tray
  • cling film
  • rolling pin

To make the cookies:
In a bowl whisk together the flour, baking flour and salt. Then set aside to use later.

Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Then add the eggs one at a time and mix until well blended.

Mix in the optional extracts and zest. 

Add the first bowl of dry ingredients to the wet and mix until it comes together and no flour is visible. Wrap the dough in cling film and place in fridge to set for 1 hour.

To bake the cookies:

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. Line baking sheets with greaseproof/parchment paper.
Using enough flour to prevent the dough from sticking, but not too much or the cookies will be too tough. 
Roll it out to about 1/8-inch thick circle. Use a  cookie cutter  to cut out the cookies.
Set them on the prepared baking sheets, leaving some space between them. 
Bake for about 8 minutes, or until just golden on the bottoms.
Here's where you can get creative.
You could dip half your cookies in chocolate and place in the fridge to set overnight.
Ice them
Use food colouring gel to paint your cookies.
But for mine, I'll be dusting them with icing sugar for a simple finish.
I'll be giving mine to friends and family for an additional Christmas gift, so I'm wrapping mine in greaseproof/pachment paper with ribbon. Get creative and see what happens!

Ready for the oven!

Dusted with icing sugar, I gave them in stacks of 4

  and finally, gift wrapped them in my own handmade 
paper bags which I decorated with ribbon

Good luck and merry Christmas! <3

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